Video: FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH Singer Launches 'Moody's Medicinals' At Special Las Vegas Event

June 29, 2019

Kilpop has uploaded a two-minute video recap of last night's (Friday, June 28) kick-off event for FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH singer Ivan Moody's new line of CBD and non-CBD products, dubbed Moody's Medicinals. The event took place at Trip Ink Tattoo Company/I Heart Vape in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Moody's Medicinals is offering innovative, high-quality products specializing in both Cannabidiol ("CBD") and non-CBD wellness.

As a performer and lead vocalist for a world-renowned rock group, Moody's personal experience with the holistic benefits of CBD fueled his inspiration to create a unique health and wellness product line that is naturally formulated without sugars, alcohols and unnecessary additives.

Taking CBD on a regular basis significantly helped Ivan personally manage his own symptoms of anxiety, PTSD and OCD. Moreover, Moody introduced a daily CBD regimen to his mother, whereby she immediately displayed heath improvements to her chronic conditions. Having tried multiple CBD products, Moody quickly realized a discrepancy in the ingredients, quality and potency and thus the overall effect of the product. Moody's Medicinals are formulated with consistency and quality.

"I use Moody's Medicinals, because it tames my anxiety before, during and after performances," explains Ivan. "On the road, I'm often not able to eat on a normal schedule and Moody's Medicinals has managed my appetite when I need it and helped me stay focused and healthy."

Moody's Medicinals products are available for purchase online at:

Moody's Medicinals intends to comply in full with all federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations as the company develops its CBD/hemp extract product lines.

Ivan Moody's product launch for Moody's Medicinals.

A big THANK YOU to everyone that came out to support Ivan Moody's product launch for Moody's Medicinals at trip Ink in Las Vegas, Nevada. The coolest fans ever even in the heat!

Thank you to KOMP 92.3 the Rock Station, Trip Ink, I Heart Vape and Moody's Medicianls for a badass afternnon.

If you were there today post your pics in the comments??

Stay danegerous!
- Kilpop

Trip Ink Tattoo CompanyFive Finger Death PunchKOMP 92.3 Las Vegas

Posted by Kilpop on Friday, June 28, 2019

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